Our Story
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
He Who Notes the Sparrow's Fall
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Baby Caleb
Saturday, March 16, 2013
While reading other people's blogs, I just remembered...
I have one! Time to resurrect it.
I'll be adding posts about our adventures over the past year - homeschooling, camping, the kids' activities, and our newest adventure: a baby boy due to arrive in the next couple weeks. We've been busy, but it's been a fantastic year!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Yes, We're Still Here

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Take My Picture!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Christmas Recap

Christmas Eve snacks
Christmas morning
Jacob was ecstatic over his new Bear Grylls pocketknife.
Aunt Constance and baby Brooke
Visiting Grammy on Christmas Eve
Cousin Lily
Abram and Grace played with this nativity set for days. My favorite arrangement was the one where Thomas the train was perched on top of the arch.
I'd have to say that one of the best things we did this year was attend a living nativity near here. A family we don't know puts on the nativity in a makeshift stable in their backyard. There is a musical program, live animals (the Wise Men walk in with three alpacas!), simple costumes, and a real baby in the manger. All of the parts are played by children. There was a beautiful, peaceful spirit there as we took a night off from the busy-ness of the season, sat on hay bales with our children in the chilly stable, and listened in awe to scripture and song. It was the highlight of our Christmas.
Monday, January 2, 2012
A Few Highlights

This is our "Thankful Tree," the result of a pre-Thanksgiving FHE on gratitude. I love the variety of blessings written by the children, from the everyday to the profound.

Mr. Peeps came back this year, right on schedule. (See this post for the backstory on our elf.) It was adorable to watch Abram jump out of bed every morning and run to find him. He would check every previous place that Mr. Peeps had appeared and say "Nope, Mr. Peeps all gone!"

All of them got very creative. Isaac's train features an armed robbery, an atomic bomb, and Santa drowning in a glacier lake.

Every year, my mom gives our family a "first day of snow" book - to be opened on, well...you know. The children anticipate this day for weeks and eagerly watch the skies for the first flake. Luckily for them, we got a dusting one day in November. The rest of our winter has been extraordinarily dry.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Halloween (or, Why Can't I Manage to Post Anything Within Two Weeks Of When It Actually Occurred?)

Little Abram experienced his first Halloween in which he actually knew what was going on. When I first tried to put his costume on him, he shied away with a look that said, "You could not PAY me to wear that." I spoke four magic words to him: "Wear costume, get candy." He came running, thrust his arms into the sleeves and was ready in 60 seconds. As we headed down the street, he ran from house to house, his black plastic kettle of candy swinging and his stuffed tail wagging behind him. I think this is the best age for trick-or-treating.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Multiple Choice

Go ahead. Take a guess.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Double Digits

According to Jacob, the best thing about being 10 is joining the Webelos den. He has fabulous leaders who encourage his creativity and inspire him to do his best. Happy birthday, Jacob!
Monday, September 5, 2011
I Did It!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Caution: Toddler in Progress

A glimpse at Abram's life right now:
He is learning new words at a quick pace, copying everything he hears. His favorite words are milk, buppy (blankie), train, plane and truck.
His favorite book is The Little Engine That Could.
He loves to be outside, take walks, and swing on the swingset.
He sings himself to sleep in his crib every night.
He can sing "Praise to the Man." He also sings the chorus of "All Creatures of Our God and King" at the top of his lungs.
When we drive over a bridge, he yells, "Woohoo! Wheeeeee!" When we get to the end of the bridge, he says "All done wheeee."
He does NOT like water, except in the bathtub. He is deathly afraid of sprinklers.
Last Sunday he disrupted Sacrament meeting when he got his head stuck between the pew and the wall. It took four adult men to free him.
His favorite toys are cars and trucks. He calls them his "hot cars." He takes a handful of them everywhere, even to bed.
When Daddy leaves for work in the morning, Abram waves and says "Bye, Dad, have a good work today!"
He is very polite. When I give him food he says, "Thanks, Mom."
He has a delightful personality. He is generous, happy, and energetic. Except when he isn't. :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Not Quitting My Day Job

I and A's Wedding

S and D's 10th Anniversary