Saturday, March 16, 2013


While reading other people's blogs, I just remembered...

I have one!  Time to resurrect it. 

I'll be adding posts about our adventures over the past year - homeschooling, camping, the kids' activities, and our newest adventure: a baby boy due to arrive in the next couple weeks.  We've been busy, but it's been a fantastic year!


Laura said...

So happy to have you back! My blog is in a coma state as well right now, but it will come out of it eventually. And apparently I still comment on other people's blogs. :)

Sandi said...

Yay! But don't get too down on yourself if you don't get a lot done once the little one arrives. I always think I can do more than I can--I guess that's better than thinking I can do less. Looking forward to reading!

Jana said...

Love your posts and looking forward to reading of all your past and present adventures! And. Congratulations on the new arrival!